AttachExternalReference method example

Sub AddXRef_Example()
' This example adds an external reference using the c:map.dwg file.
' You may need to change the path and filename to suit a file on your system.
    Dim insPt(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim insertedXRef As AcadExternalReference
    Dim sFullPathName As String: sFullPathName = "c:map.dwg"
    Dim sXrefName As String: sXrefName = "The Map"
    insPt(0) = 0: insPt(1) = 0: insPt(2) = 0
    ' Add the external reference to the drawing
    Set insertedXRef = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AttachExternalReference(sFullPathName, sXrefName, insPt, 1, 1, 1, 0, False)
    MsgBox "The external reference '" & sFullPathName & "' is attached as '" & sXrefName & "'."
End Sub

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