PolyfaceMesh object

Class AcadPolyfaceMesh

Member of BricscadDb

The PolyfaceMesh object is a 3D mesh consisting of a series of connected polygon faces. To create a PolyfaceMesh object, use the AddPolyfaceMesh method. To access a PolyfaceMesh object, use the following methods and properties:

Methods Properties
ArrayPolar Application
ArrayRectangular Coordinate
Copy Coordinates
Delete Document
GetBoundingBox Handle
GetExtensionDictionary HasExtensionDictionary
GetWidth Hyperlinks
GetXData Layer
Highlight Linetype
IntersectWith LinetypeScale
Mirror Lineweight
Mirror3D Material
Move NumberOfFaces
Offset NumberOfVertices
Rotate ObjectID
Rotate3D ObjectName
ScaleEntity OwnerID
SetXData PlotStyleName
TransformBy TrueColor
Update Visible

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