Face3D object

Class Acad3DFace

Member of BricscadDb

The Face3D object represents a 3D triangle or quadrilateral plane section. To create a 3D face, use the Add3DFace method. To edit or query a 3D Face, use the following methods and properties:

Methods Properties
ArrayPolar Application
ArrayRectangular Color
Copy Coordinates
Delete Document
Erase EntityName
GetExtensionDictionary Handle
GetInvisibleEdge HasExtensionDictionary
GetXData Hyperlinks
Highlight Layer
IntersectWith Linetype
Mirror LinetypeScale
Mirror3D Lineweight
Move Parent
Rotate PlotStyleName
Rotate3D VisibilityEdge1
ScaleEntity VisibilityEdge2
SetXData VisibilityEdge3
SetInvisibleEdge VisibilityEdge4
TransformBy Visible

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