A cluster tile or container tile groups other tiles together in a
dcl dialog. These are the predefined cluster tiles: dialog,
cluster, row, column, boxed_row, boxed_column, radio_cluster,
radio_row, radio_column, boxed_radio_column, boxed_radio_row,
concatenation, paragraph.
A row is a dcl container with
horizontal orientation: it places all its child tiles besides each
other, from left to right.
A column is a dcl container with
vertical orientation: it places all its child tiles below each
other, from top to bottom.
A cluster is a general type of dcl container. It will manifest
itself as either a row or a column, depending on the attribute
layout. If the layout attribute is not specified, a cluster will be
horizontally oriented. It is not customary to directly use a
cluster: instead use a row or a column.
A dialog is a root tile that is accessed through the function
new_dialog. It contains the entire hierarchy of tiles visible in
the displayed dialog. The default orientation of a dialog is
vertical. The layout attribute can also be specified to deviate
from the default vertical orientation.
Every cluster containing radio in its name is meant to contain a
set of radiobuttons. In BricsCAD, any cluster can contain a set of
radio_buttons, but for compatibility with other dcl engines it can
be needed to add radio_button only to a cluster with radio in its
name. See radio_button for more.
Every cluster containing boxed in its name, will appear with a
surrounding line or box. A cluster with a non-empty label attribute
will also appear with a surrounding line, interrupted by the
displayed label at the top-left of the cluster.
A concatenation is a dcl container with horizontal orientation with
attributes "fixed_width = true", "fixed_height = true" and
"children_alignment = centered". As a result this container places
its children vertically centered along a horizontal line, without
taking extra space that might be available during layouting (see
also the attributes fixed_width, fixed_height,
A paragraph is a dcl container with vertical orientation with
attribute "fixed_height = true". As a result this container places
its children left aligned along a vertical line, without taking
extra vertical space that might be available during layouting (see
also the attribute fixed_height).
The dcl tiles concatenation and paragraph are typically used in
combination with a text_part.
related attributes
These attributes are predefined for cluster tiles only:
These attribute will set the default
value of the alignment, fixed_height or fixed_width attribute of
the children of this cluster. The possible values are the same as
for the respective attributes. If the respective attribute is also
specified in a child of this container, the value specified in the
child definition will be used. Mind that this attribute is not
applied recursively: the default alignment value is only applied to
the immediate children, not to the grand children.
This attribute controls the appearance
of a surrounding line or box. A cluster with a non-empty label
attribute will also appear with a surrounding line, interrupted by
the displayed label at the top-left of the cluster. A predefined
clusters containing boxed in its name has the attribute boxed with
value true.
This attribute is predefined for a cluster or slider only:
This attribute controls the
orientation of the cluster. It can have one of two values: vertical
or horizontal. By default these predefined cluster tiles have a
horizontal orientation: cluster, row, boxed_row, radio_cluster,
radio_row, boxed_radio_row, paragraph. By default these predefined
cluster tiles have a vertical orientation: dialog, column,
boxed_column, radio_column, boxed_radio_column, concatenation.
These attributes are predefined for every tile and consequently
for a cluster as well:
The attribute "value" makes sense for
a cluster only if it contains radio_button tiles. The value of a
cluster is the key of the currently selected radio_button it
contains. If the cluster does not contain any radio_button, an
empty string will returned.
A cluster with a non-empty label
attribute appear with a surrounding line, interrupted by the
displayed label at the top-left of the cluster. If the label
attribute of a cluster tile is not empty, the attribute boxed will
be overruled.
A cluster can send a callback only if it contains one or more
radio_buttons. On selection of a contained radio_button, a cluster
will send a callback with reason CBR_SELECT. See action_tile for
more on callbacks.