Class AcadDimAligned
Member of BricscadDb
A linear dimension displayed along a line parallel with a line connecting two points. To create an aligned dimension, use the AddDimAligned method. To access the DimAligned object, use the following methods and properties:
Methods | Properties |
ArrayPolar | AltRoundDistance |
ArrayRectangular | AltSuppressLeadingZeroes |
Copy | AltSuppressTrailingZeroes |
Delete | AltSuppressZeroFeet |
GetBoundingBox | AltSuppressZeroInches |
GetExtensionDictionary | AltTextPrefix |
GetXData | AltTextSuffix |
Highlight | AltTolerancePrecision |
IntersectWith | AltToleranceSuppressLeadingZeroes |
Mirror | AltToleranceSuppressTrailingZeroes |
Mirror3D | AltToleranceSuppressZeroFeet |
Move | AltToleranceSuppressZeroInches |
Rotate | AltUnits |
Rotate3D | AltUnitsFormat |
ScaleEntity | AltUnitsPrecision |
SetXData | AltUnitsScale |
TransformBy | Application |
Update | Arrowhead1Block |
Arrowhead1Type | |
Arrowhead2Block | |
Arrowhead2Type | |
ArrowheadSize | |
DecimalSeparator | |
DimensionLineColor | |
DimensionLineExtend | |
DimLine1Suppress | |
DimLine2Suppress | |
DimLineInside | |
Document | |
ExtensionLineColor | |
ExtensionLineExtend | |
ExtensionLineOffset | |
ExtLine1Point | |
ExtLine1Suppress | |
ExtLine2Point | |
ExtLine2Suppress | |
Fit | |
ForceLineInside | |
FractionFormat | |
Handle | |
HasExtensionDictionary | |
HorizontalTextPosition | |
Hyperlinks | |
Layer | |
LinearScaleFactor | |
Linetype | |
LinetypeScale | |
Lineweight | |
Material | |
Measurement | |
Normal | |
ObjectID | |
ObjectName | |
OwnerID | |
PlotStyleName | |
PrimaryUnitsPrecision | |
Rotation | |
RoundDistance | |
ScaleFactor | |
StyleName | |
SuppressLeadingZeroes | |
SuppressTrailingZeroes | |
SuppressZeroFeet | |
SuppressZeroInches | |
TextColor | |
TextGap | |
TextHeight | |
TextInside | |
TextInsideAlign | |
TextMovement | |
TextOutsideAlign | |
TextOverride | |
TextPosition | |
TextPrecision | |
TextPrefix | |
TextRotation | |
TextString | |
TextStyle | |
TextSuffix | |
ToleranceDisplay | |
ToleranceHeightScale | |
ToleranceJustification | |
ToleranceLowerLimit | |
TolerancePrecision | |
ToleranceSuppressLeadingZeroes | |
ToleranceSuppressTrailingZeroes | |
ToleranceSuppressZeroFeet | |
ToleranceSuppressZeroInches | |
ToleranceUpperLimit | |
TrueColor | |
UnitsFormat | |
VerticalTextPosition | |
Visible |
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